What is Industry 4.0 - What is the concept?
The name "Industry 4.0" automatically begs the question: have there been three other industries before?
The answer is yes.
Modern industry as we know it is the result of four major revolutions that have taken place over the last 250 years. We're currently in the fourth, but for a better understanding we'll give you a quick overview of all of them.
The four revolutions were:
First Industrial Revolution (1765)
The First Industrial Revolution popularized the use of machines, usually steam-powered, to perform functions that had previously been done manually by factory workers.
This mechanization helped industry overtake agriculture as the main generator of wealth for society.
Second Industrial Revolution (1870)
New forms of energy such as oil, gas and electricity led to the Second Industrial Revolution.
Added to this was the creation of vehicles such as the automobile and the airplane, as well as the communications revolution with the invention of the telegraph and the telephone.
Third Industrial Revolution (1969)
The Third Industrial Revolution brought innovations that dictated the course of the last century, such as the development of nuclear energy.
With the evolution of communications and computers, machines began to act in an automated way and provide valuable data for industry. This was the beginning of Industrial Automation as we know it today.
Fourth Industrial Revolution - Today
Today we are living through the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0.
The concept of "Industry 4.0" was created in 2016 by Klaus Schwab in his book "The Fourth Industrial Revolution", in which he states:
"The Fourth Industrial Revolution creates a world in which virtual and physical manufacturing systems cooperate with each other flexibly on a global level."
- Klaus Schwab, "The Fourth Industrial Revolution"
The word that dictates the Fourth Revolution is "Connectivity": all stages of the process are deeply interconnected through intelligent machines that communicate with each other and with the Internet.
How will Industry 4.0 impact the world?
Industry 4.0, with its interconnectivity and advanced automation, promises to have a transformative impact on the world.
With the adoption of technologies such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and large-scale data analysis, we will see a revolution in industrial production that will bring operational efficiency, resource optimization and greater flexibility.
Companies of all sizes will be able to have automation solutions that will contribute to productivity and safety in the workplace.
Intelligent machines have come to help us gain valuable insights, showing us the vulnerable points in our production and distribution chain.
A practical example: if the machines in your factory produce data and are able to communicate with the computers in your distribution center, you will be able to know with certainty whether your production is on schedule, whether deliveries are being made on time and which stage of the process requires adjustment.
Industry 4.0 has come to put an end to guesswork and bring data security and the protection of automation to the lives of workers in all sectors, from offices to factories.
The potential of Industry 4.0 is immense. It will help us build more connected, productive and sustainable working environments.
How is Industry 4.0 doing in Brazil today?
Industry 4.0 is gaining momentum in Brazil, with more companies adopting digital technologies.
In 2016, only 48% of companies used digital technologies. However, by 2022, this figure had risen to 69%, according to the survey "Industry 4.0 Five Years Later", carried out by the CNI (National Confederation of Industry).
However, there is still a long way to go in terms of infrastructure, training professionals and investment in research and development.
Brazil needs to advance public policies and partnerships to boost the adoption of Industry 4.0 and take advantage of all the potential it offers to boost the country's competitiveness and economic growth.
The survey mentioned above provided interesting data on the technological evolution of Brazilian industry.
"More than half of industrial companies either don't use any digital technologies (31%) or use between 1 and 3 digital technologies (26%). Companies using 10 or more digital technologies represent only 7% of the sample."
- CNI, Industry 4.0 Five Years Later
There are several factors that influence this current panorama.
The survey asked in 2016 and 2021 what the main external factors were that led companies not to implement Industry 4.0 solutions.
The three main responses in this five-year period were:
- Lack of qualified workers;
- Difficulty in identifying technologies and partners;
- The market isn't ready yet (consumers and suppliers).
Companies like Cast group are already working to change this situation, offering the best energy and industrial automation solutions to suit the stage of technological development of each operation.
How is Industry 4.0 present in my life?
Industry 4.0 represents the evolution of Industrial Automation: two centuries ago we started out with simple automated machines that performed basic functions which, over time, have become more complex, capable of communicating with each other and even thinking for themselves.
Automation is when a machine can perform a function on its own, without the need for human input. For example, your cell phone shows the time without you having to set it like a wristwatch.
Industrial Automation, on the other hand, presents this concept applied to the environment of factories and companies. Here we have functions that range from the simplest, such as opening and closing doors, to the most complex, such as welding a part perfectly, as well as communicating data with each other.
This advanced application of Industrial Automation has created the Industry 4.0 we have today.
With Industry 4.0, companies are able to save time and money by offering intelligent machines that work together with humans to create high-quality products on a constant basis.
Another positive point is that this intelligent industry offers greater safety, allowing machines to carry out activities in high temperatures, dangerous or unhealthy environments and thus preventing people from being put in risky situations.
Nowadays, it's not hard to find companies that have some level of technology, however basic it may be. After all, with the popularization of the use of machines, more businesses have been able to adopt this type of equipment.
However, it is essential that companies always seek to expand their use of technology, with intelligent machines capable of critical thinking and communicating with each other.
Only in this way will Brazilian industry be able to make a leap in productivity and efficiency, bringing our businesses into a new era, the era in which Industry 4.0 will be a reality for the majority of national companies.